What are the interventions to support family caregivers?

An intervention may include a set of sociobehavioral strategies (e.g., accumulating classes over a shorter period of time facilitated the assistance of rural caregivers and was consistent with the allowed adaptation of the intervention). Keep in mind that, since only seven studies specifically excluded caregivers of older people with dementia, we couldn't test whether interventions with these groups had a stronger effect than those that focused exclusively on caregivers of people with dementia or on mixed groups of caregivers. Since the evaluation phases must be considered important for the development of an intervention, studies should consider the active adoption of interventions in the healthcare environment. Because interventions vary in their management style and content, some outcomes may respond better to certain types of interventions. Online interventions provide great opportunities to improve resilience and effective stress management skills in the context of chronic diseases, even among caregivers of cancer patients.

We describe the application of the framework based on the replication of effective programs (REP), developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and used in the implementation of public health programs, to expand an evidence-based training intervention for family caregivers in the Veterans Affairs (VA) health system. These reports were valuable in illustrating the impact of the program together with the leaders of the centers, in order to gain continued support and defend sustainability. In the study by Kontos et al,47, family caregivers and volunteers were encouraged to participate in a dance session instead of merely observing or only supporting the participation of people living with dementia. Since the population of children living with complex diseases is likely to increase in the future, there is an urgent need to further investigate the contribution that nurses can make to supporting parents who care for a child with health problems.

The REP monitoring matrix showed that fidelity to the intervention was generally high in all centers; they were able to provide the agreed content and use the agreed modes of delivery, that is, to offer the basic curriculum and to use agreed delivery teams (e.g.

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